Английский [A.J. Hoge] Effortless English (2022)

  • Автор темы VkurseGirl
  • Дата начала


Команда форума
27 Фев 2019
Голосов: 0
Автор: A.J. Hoge
Название: Effortless English (2022)

Изображение [A.J. Hoge] Effortless English (2022)

Why the American Accent Training Course?

  • Do you have bad pronunciation or a strong accent when speaking English?
  • Do people misunderstand you when you speak English?
  • Do people often ask you to repeat what you said?
  • Do you feel embarrassed or stupid when speaking English?
  • Do you have problems with specific sounds in English?

In this course, you will certainly learn how to pronounce all of the difficult sounds of English.

But you will do more than just “learn”— you will “train” your ears, mind, and mouth to hear the music of English and speak it clearly.
It’s not enough to just look at pictures of tongue positions. It’s not enough to just practice a few individual words.
With the Effortless Pronunciation Method you will train yourself to hear all of the difficult sounds of English.
With the Effortless Pronunciation Method you will train the muscles of your mouth, tongue, and throat to speak with a clear American accent.
With the Effortless Pronunciation Method you will develop a clear American accent even when speaking quickly.
AJ will be your teacher and coach during the entire course.


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